Dr.SnehaRamakantPatil 1
Abstract : In dentistry management of pain is most important factor for practitioner. Among all dental procedures, post-operative pain is common in endodontic procedures as compared to others. It may be due to inadequate or extrusion of irrigants. This leads to distress to both the patient as well as clinician. Thus, various methods have been employed to reduce the pain including occlusal reduction and various pharmacological means.
Recently, cryotherapy has gained popularity to reduce post procedural pain. Use of cryotherapy during irrigation can reduce the incidence and intensity of post-operative pain. It can also be used in haemostasis in vital pulp therapy as pulp capping agent in conjunction with bioceramic materials. Also, deep cryotherapy of NiTi endodontic files can enhance cyclic fatigue resistance reducing the incidence of file separation.
Thus, cryotherapy can be considered as simple and cost-effective treatment modality for the ease of endodontic procedures.